Sports Clubs
LOCAL SPORTS CLUBS & LEISURE CENTRES The sports clubs in the area offer competitive sport some at the very top level and others that are more for enjoyment. They nearly all have strong youth sections including coaching and a number are Clubmark recognised. Recently many have also introduced sessions aimed at getting people back into sport as part of the 2012 Olympics legacy. The local leisure centres, Broadwater School Sports Centre, Charterhouse Club and Godalming Leisure Centre, mainly concentrate on leisure and fitness activities with an emphasis on healthy lifestyles. Some of them have programmes specifically aimed at the older age groups and at the other end to encourage youths to become more active. The area has a great variety of sports and leisure activities and to find them…
Cost of Membership
Subscription is £10 per year for which you will receive regular bulletins covering local sports news and assistance with solving any issues which are of concern to your Club.
Want to join? You will find a membership form you can download here.
It is your responsibility to keep your contact details up to date – any changes, please let Bernard Smith know (his details are on the Contact Us page of the website)
Godalming Angling Society | Contact Name: Graham Harris Tel: 01483 424796 Email: graham@gcharris.com Website: www.godalminganglingsociety.co.uk |
Guildford & Godalming Athletic Club | Contact Name: Anthony Childs Tel: 01483 423234 Email: anthony_childs@hotmail.com Website: www.ggac.co.uk/ |
Waverley Harriers | Contact Name: Neil Boosey Tel: Email: neilboosey@gmail.com Website: www.waverleyharriers.co.uk |
Godalming & Farncombe Bowling Club | Contact Name: Barry Honeywill Tel: 07711 374184 Email: gfbcsec@gmail.com Website: www.gobo.org.uk/ |
Holloway Hill Bowling Club | Contact Name: Ron Musk Tel: 01483 417929 Email: ronmusk@tiscali.co.uk Website: www.hollowayhillbowlingclub.net63.net |
Milford Bowling Club | Contact Name: John Everest Tel: 01483 420135 Email: johnrweverest@aol.com Website: www.milfordbowlsclub.co.uk |
Go Godalming Youth Canoe Club | Contact name: Peter Harris Tel: 07505558399 Email:peter.harris1767@ntlworld.com |
Farncombe Cricket Club | Contact Name: Kevin Holcombe Tel: ~ Email: treasurer@farncombecc.com Website: http://farncombe.play-cricket.com/ |
Farncombe Wanderers Cricket Club | Contact Name: Simon Brown Tel: ~ Email: farncombe.wanderers@gmail.com Website: www.farncombewanderers.co.uk/ |
Godalming Cricket Club | Contact Name: Will Hern Tel: 07885 574522 Email: secretary@godalmingcc.co.uk Website: www.godalmingcc.co.uk |
Milford Cricket Club | Contact Name: Alistair Grant Tel: 07768394375 Email: alistair.grant2@icloud.com Website: https://milfordccsurrey.wordpress.com/ |
Guildford & Godalming Croquet Club | Contact Name: Wendy Lockwood Tel: 07972 328711 Email: info@guildfordandgodalmingcroquetclub.co.uk Website: www.guildfordandgodalmingcroquetclub.co.uk/ |
Velo Club Godalming & Haslemere | Contact Name: Lara Taylor Tel: 07980 750338 Email: chair@vcgh.co.uk Website: www.vcgh.co.uk |
Elstead Riding Club | Contact Name: Penny Jann Tel: 01483 414820 Email: penny@elsteadridingclub.co.uk Website: www.elsteadridingclub.co.uk |
Stella Hancock Driving Group RDA | Contact Name: Marion Stockley Tel: 01252 321859 Email: marionstockley@gmail.com Website: www.stellahancockrda.org.uk/ |
Farncombe Football Club | Contact Name: Mark Oyler Tel: 07894 760281 Email: farncombefc@gmail.com Website: www.theclubhq.com/farncombefc |
Farncombe Youth Football Club | Contact Name: Alistair Marks Tel: 07748 624394 Email: alastairmarks73@gmail.com Website: www.fyfc.org.uk/ |
Godalming Town Football Club | Contact Name: Ross Mose Tel: 07711 918819 Email: godalmingtownfootballclub@gmail.com Website: www.godalmingtownfc.co.uk |
Godalming Walking Football Club | Contact Name: Jim Mellish Tel: 07764 879955 Email: j.mellish@tiscali.co.uk Website: |
Hambledon Football Club | Contact Name: Matthew Kiley Tel: 07557 479349 Email: hambledonfc@gmail.com Website: www.pitchero.com/clubs/hambledonfc |
Milford Green Football Club | Contact – Alister Johnson Email – alisterjohnson1@gmail.com Website – www.pitchero.com/clubs/milfordgreenfc Tel: 07810 842455 |
Milford Pumas Youth Football Club | Contact Name: Shaun Moorey Tel: 07740 450167 Email: chairman@milfordpumasyfc.com Website: www.milfordpumasyfc.com |
Milford & Witley Football Club | Contact Name: Mark Barrow Tel: 07073558985 Email: milfordandwitleyfc@gmail.com Website: www.pitchero.com/clubs/milfordwitleyfc/ |
Wanderers Football Club | Contact Name: Allen Tillyard Tel: Email: allentillyard@hotmail.com Website: www.pitchero.com/clubs/thewanderersfc |
Guildford Hockey Club | Contact Name: Melinda Rock Tel: 07507559090 Email: melinda.rock@btconnect.com Website: www.guildfordhc.com/ |
Godalming Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | Contact Name: Benny Sootho Tel: 07388 398807 Email:godalmingbjj@gmail.com Website: www.godalmingbjj.com |
Godalming Karate Club | Contact Name: Lorna Lawson Tel: 07810 622093 Email: lorna.lawson@yahoo.com Website: www.www.premierkaratedowadokai.com |
Witley Judo Club | Contact: Peter Swettenham Tel: 07974 260097 Email: pete-witleyjudo@outlook.com Website: www.witley-judo.club.mymawebsite.com |
Waverley Vipers Netball Club | Contact: Debbie Baker Tel: 07889 462604 Email: debbiebaker4@talktalk.net Website: www.waverleyvipers.com |
Busbridge Tennis Association | Contact Name: David Burndred Tel: ~ Email: Hello@busbridgetennis.co.uk Website: www.busbridgetennis.co.uk/ |
Godalming Badminton Club | Contact Name: Christine Crossley Tel: 01483 414785 Email: crossleys@outlook.com Website: www.godalmingbc.com/ |
Godalming Lawn Tennis Club | Contact Name: Tel: Email: info@godalmingtennis.org Website: www.godalmingtennis.org |
Guildford Rugby Football Club | Contact Name: Karen Seymour Tel: 01483 416199 Email: karen@cdscomms.co.uk Website: www.guildfordrugbyclub.co.uk |
Farncombe & Godalming Rifle Club | Contact Name: Anthony Garcia-Deleito Tel: 07838 121276 Email: fgrcsecretary@gmail.com Website: www.fgrc.org.uk |
Charterhouse Club | Contact Name: Alan Elliott Tel: 01483 239600 Email: alanelliott@charterhouse.org.uk Website: www.charterhouseclub.co.uk/ |
Godalming Leisure Centre | Contact Name: Matt Evans Tel: 01483 410500 Email: mattevans@everyoneactive.com Website: www.everyoneactive.com |
Godalming Swimming Club | Contact Name: Chloe Thomas Tel: ~ Email: chairperson@godalmingasc.co.uk Website: www.godalmingasc.co.uk/ |
Wey Valley Swimming Club | Contact Name: Irene Pedder Tel: None Email: secretary@wvsc.co.uk Website: www.wvsc.co.uk/ |